Well by Andrew McLean
This snappy poem from Andrew McLean, a second-year English student at Somerville, makes clever use of rhyme and form to sustain its swift, dashing motion. Named Well in a beautiful piece of understatement, the verse skips effortlessly from line to line. With injections of drama and a thoughtful attitude towards attraction, this is a fine poem.
Click here to read it!
The Beachcomber by Dòmhnall Iain Dòmhnallach
From the head of the Failed Novelists Society, a Neuroscientist whose first language is Gàidhlig, comes this tale of a mysterious arrival on a distant island somewhere far from here. The wonderful interweaving of the Gaelic language into Dòmhnallach’s prose creates a beautiful but rather mournful atmosphere, and as the flotsam and jetsam of the Atlantic washes up on the beach, the future is uncertain for the islanders.
Click here to read it!
The Dream-Catcher by Catherine O’Leary
This extravagantly ethereal depiction of an otherworldly spiritual being is the product of the imagination of Catherine O’Leary, a French and Linguistics student. As we near the top of the figure’s head, it loses all structure, becoming little more than shapes floating in the air. Paired with the similarly magnificent and even stranger image The Zenith, this piece of art goes some way towards capturing the bizarre transience of a dream.
Click here to see it!
Photos from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea by Mack Grenfell
These photos, also featured in this term’s Cherwell Review, were taken in North Korea by Mack Grenfell, who is studying Physics and Philosophy. From the wide shot of a city square, large tenement blocks rising in the distance, to towering golden statues and an otherworldly bar, these images take a look behind the propaganda and the country’s image, depicting the realities of the DPRK.
Green and Golden by Heman Sheman
This song, sent in by Heman Sheman, a band made up of Edan Tal, Jake Lancaster, Bill Wright and John Morgan, along with the rest of their eponymous EP, oozes bluesy rock. Northern-tinted, drawled vocals meander across guitar work which is at times dynamic, at times thoughtful as the song moves effortlessly from barked chorus to hazy bridge.
Click here to listen!
Check out the rest of the collection at cherwelletc.tumblr.com