Monday, March 3, 2025

Where Are They Now: JoJo

Remember ten years ago, when it was OK to pair low-rise jeans with crop tops, watch back to back episodes of Mona The Vampire and listen to Busted without a shred of irony?

Imagine looking back on 2004 (when many of us were still waiting to hit double figures) as the peak of your meteoric and short-lived success as a pop-star. For 23-year-old Joanna Levesque, or ‘JoJo’ as we know and (sort of used to) love her, that’s precisely what it was.

Since her heyday she’s dabbled in film, starring in one about a mermaid and another called GBF about Gay Best Friends, neither of which, surprisingly, really caught on.

But it seems she’s trying her best to make a comeback, having recently signed on to Atlantic.

Meanwhile, The Daily Fail has an entire article dedicated to her “considerable cleavage” —but hey, all publicity is good… no wait, it’s not.

On the bright side, her Twitter offers maxims such as “Whatever you’re thinking… Think bigger”, suggesting that, if all else fails, JoJo could at least forge a career as a motivational speaker.

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