Wednesday, February 19, 2025

6 songs to keep the Oxford bubble alive over the vac

During term time, it can be difficult to escape the ‘Oxford bubble’, but in the vac, its reassuring presence is ripped away. In the run up to Trinity, these songs will help you restore it just in time for going up.

1. ‘Itchycoo Park’ – The Small Faces

Enjoy the brief reference to our dreaming spires and bridge of sighs (where, if Oxford tour guides are to be believed, all finalists go to sigh with relief after their exams). Its ‘overt drug references’, for which the BBC banned it, might also help you recall nights in Cellar.

2. ‘Oxford Comma’ – Vampire Weekend

Your tutors might not be there to criticise your grammar and punctuation every few hundred words, but don’t fear, Vampire Weekend feel your pain.

3. ‘Crisis’ – Bob Marley

What would the Oxford bubble be without a few essay crises? Marley is here to soothe you through the distressing time without them. For a more authentic touch, play this at 3am with a very strong cup of coffee. 

4. ‘Oxford Town’ – Bob Dylan


Try ignoring the blatant fact that this song is not actually about the Oxford, and just listen to Dylan sing the word ‘Oxford’ over and over again as you rock back and forth.

5. ‘Politically Correct’ – SR-71

Oxford would be nothing without its political action, and if you’re struggling without that stimulus at home, try getting annoyed at this rather pointless attempt at a vaguely political song.

6. ‘Bodleian Library Sounds’ – Bodleian Library Oxford

If you’re really desperate to regain that longed for bubble, try sitting in a silent room with flickering artificial light, gather a huge pile of books on your desk and muster a gentle feeling of despair and play these relaxing library sounds, direct from our very own Bodleian. Depressing.

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