The Oxford Women storm towards Chiswick bridge, Cambridge out of sight
Oxford Women: history makers and victorious
Paddling through Chiswick bridge to collect the trophy
The Women disembarking at Quintin Boat House
Oxford and Cambridge Women come together
On the podium with Sir Steve Redgrave
OUWBC President Anastasia Chitty holds the trophy aloft
Newton Investment CEO, Helena Morrissey, explains how important the Women’s Boat Race is for female sport
Sir Steve Redgrave jumps in for a selfie
Osiris and the Women’s Blue Boat
Isis, victorious by five lengths, emerge through Chiswick
The two reserve boats converge again at the finish
Isis disembarking
Spare pair Oarsman Rufus Stirling celebrating Oxford’s success
Bowman Will Geffen celebrates a 19 second win
The Men’s Blue Boat emerges
Henry Goodier greets 2012 Blue Boat cox Zoe de Toledo
Charlie Thurston, Isis two man, in shock
OUBC President Constantine Louloudis joins one of only 14 oarsmen to win the boat race four times. Here he joins Sean Bowden, OUBC head coach, in paying tribute to the Oxford Crews.
Oxford’s tribute to Blue Boat legend Dan Topolski