Tuesday, March 11, 2025

A View from the cheap seats

These are notes we found in TSK, presumably written by an ambitious director.

“Hamlet without Hamlet 2 – Hmm. I want to do this, but, like, I think we can only do a sequel if Hamlet is resurrected, because if not there’s, like, only Fortinbras and Horatio (buddy comedy?). But then Hamlet would be third wheeling on them… but then it would be like ‘Hamlet without Hamlet, now with Hamlet’ and that sounds too much like a really confused deal at Tesco.

“An adaptation of a book, maybe something like War and Peace but, like, set in Oxford. Maybe Stuart Webber could play General Kutuzov and Zuleyka can play Napoleon? Or maybe we could make a new version of Fight Club, but like make it a bromance rom com, (brom-com?) with a nice happy ending to get it into the Playhouse. Maybe they could get married and so we end with Tyler kissing a mirror. That would actually really speak to our audience.

“We need something with a social conscience, something with a real edge of social realism. Like, a documentary play on the life of students at shit colleges, like, we could go to Cambridge or something and interview them on how they cope living in a faux- Oxford fantasy. Might be a bit too much of a shocker, even for your average BT audience. On the other hand, there are some truths we just need to be told.

“Oh of course, we need an immersive theatre piece too: these are so expensive but, like, we need to keep up with the trends so we have to do it on the cheap. We could let all theatrical hell break loose with that, if we wanted to. Maybe we could do it in a rehearsal room and have all the actors sitting around bored, allowing the audience to walk around and explore. The play would be all about us coming up with the play. It would be so meta that it would save us actually coming up with a play. Hmm.

“Fuck this postmodern malaise. How are we ever going to get original ideas?” 

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