‘Midget Night Bridge’ condemned

For the second year in a row, The Bridge Nightclub has hosted a controversial club night called ‘Midget Night Bridge’ in its usual ‘Monday Night Bridge’ slot.

The Oxford Brookes night, which took place on Monday, was marketed with a Facebook banner featuring two men of short stature dressed up as superheroes.

“Back from popular demand” according to its Facebook marketing, the event description refers to “our very loved SUPERMAN and BATMAN mini men coming down for the rescue”. 297 people had confi rmed their attendance on the Facebook event by Monday night, including many Oxford University students.

The president of Oxford Brookes Student Union, Andy Pedersen, told Cherwell, “At Brookes Union we are disappointed to hear that the off ensively labelled ‘Midget Night Bridge’ event was held again this year.

“We would take this opportunity to clarify that neither Brookes Union, nor Oxford Brookes University has any involvement in this event, nor are we affi liated with the venue.”

Lindsay Lee, Disabled Students Offi cer for OUSU, stated, “Events like this are a modern manifestation of a centuriesold global tradition of the ‘freak show,’ where disabled people are put on display, used as play-things, mocked and derided for the pleasure of people without disabilities.

“This event further stigmatises disability and does nothing to break down the barriers that disabled people face in all parts of society.’’

National outrage was also invoked by the controversial club night. A spokesperson for the Restricted Growth Association (RGA) told Cherwell, ‘‘The term ‘midget’ is considered to be highly off ensive and should not be used in any context.

‘‘We were surprised and saddened to learn some students seem to think abuse towards people with dwarfi sm is acceptable. We would sincerely hope these views are not representative of the rest of the student body.”

The Bridge is yet to respond to Cherwell’s request for comment.

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