Blind Date: The only way to cope with these inadequacies was to drink more”

Priya Khaira-Hanks, 2nd year, English, St Catz

My evening with Jamie started and ended with gossip—at the beginning, we chatted about Gossip Girl, and, a few hours and drinks later, were exchanging juicy details about certain mutual acquaintances. Jamie also divulged to me what really happens at Christ Church: coming from a mere proletarian college, I was astounded that, instead of Freshers’ week, first years are told the dark secrets of privilege and made to sign a confidentiality agreement, promising never to let slip who drowned in champagne at that ball in the nineties. We exchanged our fatal flaws—for him, country music, for me, cheese—and the fact that neither of us can drive. The only way to cope with these inadequacies was to drink more, and I ended up embarking on an impassioned polemic about Holly and Phil on This Morning. And, if ranting about daytime TV isn’t winning date etiquette, I’m not sure what is.

First impression? Punctual!

Chat? 76% banter, 24% French Revolution

Personality? Destroyed my anti-ChCh prejudice

2nd date? Holly Willoughby is a hard act to beat

Jamie Horton, 2nd year, History, Christ Church

The fortune cookie I opened at dinner prior to the date (something about a lettuce wrap) didn’t provide me with the encouragement I was hoping for and so I ventured with some trepidation to Turf. Nevertheless, I was soon put at ease by Priya’s friendliness, and I really felt like I was making progress when my confessed admiration for country music got me likened to her mum. Sensing my bad boy image was under threat, I panicked somewhat and claimed to be running an Escobar-style drug cartel from my college room. Her lack of surprise that such an operation existed inside Christ Church said a lot. Whilst we were bonding over our lack of ability to drive, I felt the time was right for a high-risk, high-reward gambit. Unfortunately, the revelation that I lived next to the busiest bus route in Europe (Wilmslow Road, Manchester) proved not to be the winner I hoped it would be.

First impression? This might be quite fun

Chat? On point

Personality? Genuinely lovely!

2nd date? Not holding my breath


If you would like to go on a Blind Date, get in touch with the life editors