Monday, March 31, 2025

Week in Science: Fourth Week

It’s not easy keeping up with all the events going around the University. With Week in Science, the Cherwell Science and Tech editors bring to your attention interesting talks around the city and university. Here are the events for fourth week.


James Martin on Phase Transitions

Presented by Oxford Invariants Society. 

Date and Time: Tuesday, 16th May from 20:00 to 21:00.

Location: Mathematical Institute, Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, Woodstock Rd, OX2 6GG

Speaker: James Martin

Description: Some systems show a large change in their behaviour in response to a small change in the value of some parameter. There is a lot of beautiful mathematics concerning the nature of such phase transitions. I’ll show lots of pictures and explore a variety of models, including from probability and physics (percolation, magnetism), from epidemiology, and from the theory of algorithms. No prior knowledge required except some basic probability.

Entry: The event is free for members and £3 for non-members. Memberships is also available for £15, for life.

Current water controversies and what neutrons tell us about them

Presented by Oxford University Physics Society.

Date and Time: 18th May, 20:15.

Location: Martin Wood Lecture Theatre, 20 Parks Rd, OX1 3PU.

Speaker: Alan Soper FRS

Description: In spite of a huge amount of knowledge about water substance, a genuine physical understanding of what causes water’s strange properties still largely eludes us. The talk will summarize some of the more prominent claims and counter-claims about the nature of water, and how neutrons, if not resolving them, have at least provided genuine information to inform the debate.

Entry: £3 for non-members. Free for members (membership is £10, and for life).

Prof. Lisa Randall at the Oxford Union

Presented by the Oxford Union

Date and Time: 16th May, 17:00 – 18:00.

Location: The Oxford Union, Frenwin Court, OX1 3JB.

Speaker: Prof. Lisa Randall. 

Description: One of the leading contributors to modern particle physics, Prof. Randall is currently at Harvard University, researching elementary particles and forces as well as extra dimensions in space. Randall has received acclaim both from within and outside the scientific community, being named one of TIME’s Top 100 Thinkers.

Entry: Free for members.

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