Five Minutes With… John Livesey

This week, we chat to John Livesey, the manager of Klaxon Productions.

Could you tell us a bit about how you got involved in Oxford drama?
It can be scary to start โ€˜doing dramaโ€™ at Oxford – it feels like people know each other already, and you are just some strange, quiet fresher. I was really lucky that the first show I got involved in (Edward II) had a very big, very friendly company full of drama stalwarts. It meant I didnโ€™t think twice next time I was going for an audition. This is my first go at directing but I very much hope to do it again, you wonโ€™t get rid of me that easily!

Whatโ€™s your happiest memory of drama at Oxford?
Iโ€™m not even halfway through my degree so I hope there will be a few more moments to choose from if you ask me again in a year! Currently though, some of my happiest memories have been from Random. Itโ€™s such a great team and we have a lot of fun, despite the serious subject matter. Fran and I have a similar sense of humour. The artistic eureka-moments weโ€™ve had has made it a very special process.

Have you ever had any complete production nightmares?
Iโ€™ve had a few very bad dress-rehearsals. Iโ€™ve been in a show that had only rehearsed for a week. The worst was probably a cast-mate missing their cue completely, forcing me to skip 2 or 3 pages: nobody noticed but my heart relocated to Cuba for about 5 minutes.

Whatโ€™s your favourite play?
Superlatives donโ€™t do justice to the diversity of work out there. I can recommend some good ones though – Big & Small by Botho Strauss, Another Country by Julian Mitchell, An Octaroon by Branden Jacob-Jenkins, The Flick by Annie Baker. Oh, and Angels in America (I say this pre-empting the collective eye-roll).

How would you want to stage it if you had to put it on in Oxford?
Some of these might actually find their way to the stage so I donโ€™t want to give any spoilers: thatโ€™s just bad marketing…

Whoโ€™s your inspiration?
Ben Whishaw is a role model for me, although that might just be because I have a crush on him! I try not to miss Robert Ickeโ€™s shows, and Tarell Alvin McCraney too. I also have the utmost respect for the way Rufus Norris is changing the game at the National. I also find my friends inspiring, back home and in Oxford. I think thereโ€™s something rad about understanding that those around you can be just as inspirational as any schmaltzy a-lister.

Do you have any advice for freshers who want to get involved?
Audition. Audition again. Audition again. And if youโ€™re a director? Just risk it: submit the bid and see where the journey takes you. Itโ€™ll be horrible, amazing, dreadful and mind-expanding โ€“ the best fun youโ€™ll have in this crazy place.

Are you working on any exciting projects at the moment that you can tell us about?
Once weโ€™re done with Random I need a sit down with a hot mug of cocoa. However, KLAXON are also getting started on a bid for Hilary and there are some other things I hope to pursue when I have more time. Going to lectures is another honorable goal, but I donโ€™t want to offer false hope.

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