Monday, March 10, 2025

WATCH: Malala Yousafzai wins charity slap bet

Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai won a lot at Lady Margaret Hall’s charity auction to slap the JCR’s Charities Rep on Friday night.

Yousafzai, a first-year PPE student at the college, and fellow PPE student Harry Lloyd, donated £400 to be split between Schistosomiasis Control Initiative, Child Rescue Coalition, Relief International, and Talans Trust.

The bidding started at just £1, but the chance to slap Charities Rep Tiger Akawin spurred students on.

Lloyd told Cherwell: “That was a very expensive slap, but it was 100% worth it.”

Yousafzai, a vocal human rights activist, who became the youngest person to receive a Nobel Peace Prize in October 2014, claimed that her involvement was intended “to save Tiger from Harry’s palm.

“My slap was only like a rose petal touching his face,” she told Cherwell, “but unfortunately Harry got to slap Tiger as well.

“It’s all for a wonderful cause though”, she added.

The charity auction was hosted by the man believed to be the world’s fastest talker, Sean Shannon.

The event raised around £1,300 in total.

LMH’s charity auction raised money for the following charities:

Schistosomiasis Control Initiative: helps governments in African countries treat schistosomiasis, one of the most common neglected tropical diseases, caused by parasitic worms.

Child Rescue Coalition: Partners with law enforcement and child advocates around the world to shield, rescue and safeguard children from sexual exploitation.

Relief International: Humanitarian non-profit that provides emergency relief, rehabilitation, development assistance and programme services to vulnerable communities worldwide.

Talans Trust: Funds two full-time Rhabdomyosarcoma (a rare form of cancer) researchers at the Royal Marsden Hospital.

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