Welcome Freshers!

Dear Freshers,

You’ve done it! That results day envelope which has been the cause of sleepless nights, anxious pacing, and stomach churning has turned out to be a source of huge relief. You’ll doubtless be fielding praise from adoring relatives and friends – enjoy it, you deserve it. But, this is far from the end of the road – the next few years promise to be some of the most exciting of your life.

In the meantime, buckle in for two months of anticipation while you eagerly await to join us here. The post-results period can be anti-climactic and watching your other friends slowly disappear off across the country throughout September is not always fun. We would say that living vicariously through friends’ social media during this time is almost mandatory, as Facebook and Instagram become dominated by wave after wave of gap yah snaps and messy freshers’ pics. Try to resist the urge to do the infamous ‘Fresher’s UK Tour’ however – you’ll need all the rest you can get before October.

But if your reading list, college family letters, and those endless emails from Student Information aren’t a large enough dose of what’s to come at Oxford, watch this space! Keep Off the Grass will be supplying you with exclusive content up until your first day, with tips on fashion, freshers, and food. Look out for our printed publication which will be issued in your Freshers’ pack in 0th week and (we hope) will give a comprehensive run-down of the year ahead, condensing the life lessons of erstwhile freshers from Lady Margaret Hall to Regent’s Park.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Bridge!

Fin and Libby ? xx

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