Roble elected Oxford Union president, CREATE slate wins all major positions

Adam Roble has been elected president of the Oxford Union, winning with 646 first preference votes. He will serve in Trinity 2021.

The runner-up was Geneva Roy. In total, 1230 votes were cast for president. The other elected officers are:

Librarian: Molly Mantle, St Hugh’s College, CREATE, 705 first preferences

Treasurer: Viren Shetty, Christ Church, CREATE, 678 first preferences

Secretary: Adi Kesaia Toganivalu, Magdalen College, CREATE, 613 first preferences

This marks a victory for the CREATE slate, which ran on access-related promises like Diversity Drinks and Dinners, a means-tested presidential hardship fund, and reduced membership fees. Other proposals  centred around adapting to terms with coronavirus restrictions; the slate suggested Treasurer’s Treats (discounts in shops around Oxford) in an online format and socially distanced silent discos. 

REBUILD promised first and foremost to ban hack messages in order to place more focus on slates’ campaign promises and manifestos. They also pledged an audit of membership fees, happy hour pints for £1, and improved opportunities to get involved in debating for Said Business School students and other graduate students. 

The Union held elections online for the second term. Following a hacking in Trinity, no problems appeared to arise during this term’s election. 

Beatrice Barr, current President of the Union, said to Cherwell: “I’m very pleased that we’ve got the results of hotly contested and successfully run election, and wish the best of luck to all the elected candidates!”

Adam Roble has been contacted for comment.

Article updated 11:09 Nov 27 to include comment from the Union.

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