Interviews to be online for second year running

Admission interviews for 2022-23 entry will be held online at the end of this year for the second year running. This comes as there are still various uncertainties concerning COVID-19 going into the winter. 

Online interviews will take place on Microsoft Teams. Some applicants may require touch screen devices or a basic universal stylus for their interviews.

The University stresses that “no candidate or their school will be expected to purchase a touchscreen device in order to participate”.  In cases where candidates or schools are not able to meet the University’s technology requirements, “colleges will discuss alternative arrangements” to find a solution. 

Interviews are expected to take place throughout December. This would be in accordance with interview timings of other years.

All candidates are instructed to have some plain paper and a pen, access to pre-reading for the interview, and a copy of their personal statement.  Some candidates may be asked to use interactive tools during their interviews. Some tools include adding text to shared platforms between the interviewer and the candidate, using ‘draw’ tools to highlight work or annotate work, and sketching diagrams or writing formulae.

The extent of technology an applicant is required to have will depend on which course they are applying to. Technology requirements have been divided into three separate tiers. 

In tier 1, candidates will only need a computer, with speakers, a microphone, and a webcam. Some of the courses in this tier include Biology, English Language and Literature, and Medicine. 

In tier 2, candidates will need access to an Interactive Virtual Whiteboard, in addition to a computer. The Virtual Whiteboard will be accessed through the website or app Miro. The University advises that student access Miro on the same device as that which they are accessing Microsoft Teams. Some of the courses in this category include Music, Economics and Management, and Biochemistry. 

In tier 3, candidates are required to access an Interactive Virtual Whiteboard via Miro and Natural Handwriting Capture using a basic universal stylus. For applicants to be able to use the basic universal stylus, they will need to have a large touchscreen device. Candidates may be asked to sketch diagrams and write out mathematical notations using a stylus. Courses requiring the use of a stylus and a touchscreen device include Chemistry, Engineering, and Mathematics. 

It is still unclear as to whether interviews for 2023-24 entry will be online again, or whether they will return to being in-person. Announcements will likely be made in the new year.

Image: Ninara/ CC BY 2.0 via flickr

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