Interviews to be held online for third year running

Oxford University has announced that the 2022 interviews will be conducted online, following a similar procedure to interviews carried out online in 2021. 

Interviews moved online for the first time in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. They took place over Microsoft Teams. 

The move to continue interviewing online is not a complete surprise. Oxbridge dons commented in January this year that the interviews may now be permanently conducted online. Neither Oxford nor Cambridge felt any applicant was disadvantaged by the online interviews. 

The university has a system of targeted support ensuring everyone has equal opportunities to interview. It can provide help for all candidates to access the necessary technology, ensuring that online interviews are fair and effective.

The online interview process appears more efficient financially and environmentally; online interviews reduce travel expenses for candidates, and are also more cost effective for the University, who do not have to assist with travel expenses or accommodation over the interview period.

It also minimises the heavy travel emissions caused by candidates travelling to Oxford for the interview period.

The online format minimizes the potential stress of being in a completely new environment, meeting new people, throughout the interview period. Candidates do not have to deal with this added pressure, which makes it a less daunting experience for many.

Education writer Irena Barker said: “a switch to online-only Oxbridge interviews might be more efficient, but candidates would miss a key rite of passage.” She argued that for some, the in-person experience of staying in the colleges and meeting like-minded people was inspiring, and a way of “showing [candidates] they were valued”.

When asked to comment, a University spokesperson told Cherwell: “The University of Oxford has decided forthcoming undergraduate admissions interviews (2022-23) will again take place online.  

“This decision follows the success of this format over the past two years, and will ensure that any potential disruption for our applicants is minimised and that they continue to receive a consistent and high-quality experience to this important part of the collegiate University’s application process.” 

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