Monday, March 17, 2025

Jesus JCR calls for reversal of College’s lease agreement with Barclays

Jesus JCR have released a statement calling for the “immediate reversal of Jesus College’s lease agreement with Barclays Bank”. The move would see the bank, which has been alleged by campaigners to provide substantial loans to companies linked to the conflict in Gaza, move into the Cheng Yu Tung Building on Cornmarket Street. 

The statement follows an “extraordinary” JCR meeting held at 6:30pm on Saturday 15th March, just hours before the end of full term. 

Minutes of this meeting viewed by Cherwell reveal concerns among the student body that Barclays’ “egregious ethical practices” should not be endorsed by the College through a lease agreement. Research reports on such practices by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, it was claimed in the motion, have found Barclays to be “facilitating genocide”. Barclays already provides banking services to Jesus. 

Unease surrounding Barclays Bank’s alleged links to investment in fossil fuels was also expressed. 

A statement on Instagram cited research from the Palestine Solidarity Campaign holding that the bank provides billions of pounds of loans to “nine companies whose weapons, components, and military technology are being used by Israel in its attack on Palestinians”. The JCR motion, included in the social media post, passed by 73 votes to 13, with seven abstentions. 

Jesus College, in response to the motion, told Cherwell: “The College can confirm that Barclays Bank will move from its current premises on Cornmarket to a ground floor retail unit in the Cheng Yu Tung Building later this year, and it welcomes communication with any Jesus student who wishes to express their views on this decision.

“The College remains focused on delivering its academic mission. The income received from the tenant will enable the College to invest in its strategic priorities, for the benefit of everyone in its community. The College will continue to engage in constructive dialogue with the bank on its ESG policies, and other issues important to the student body.”

Barclays was approached for comment. 

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