Ros Dampier, who was due to take over as OUSU’s VP
(Women) at the end of this term, has resigned due to ill health.
A by-election will be held shortly to find a replacement. Dampier was due to begin work as a Sabbatical Officer in Ninth
Week of this term. Catherine Wallis, the present VP said that
they were “all very upset that Ros can’t take up her
position as she would have done a fantastic job and we hope she
returns to good health quickly.” Nominations for Dampier’s replacement have opened and can
be submitted until next Thursday, 6 May. Hustings will take place
on 10 May and the election itself will be held three days later.
OUSU’s Returning Officer Dan Paskins told Cherwell that
“anyone who wants to can stand.” Paskins acknowledged
that Trinity term was a difficult time to be holding this
election and said that OUSU were hoping to make it as stress-free
as possible for those taking Finals. Any female student can stand
in this election and the vote is open to all women students. The OUSU VP for Graduates election was held on Thursday.
Voters could choose Roland Enmarch of Univ or re-open
nominations. Results will be posted today on the OUSU website.
Voters could also complete a survey on their attitudes and
impressions of OUSU.ARCHIVE: 0th week TT 2004