An overwhelming majority of Oxford students do not want OUSU
to endorse the new “Code of Conduct” restricting
behaviour at post-exam celebrations, a Cherwell opinion poll
today reveals. 87% of students oppose the University’s plans. The poll
of 331 people from eight colleges also showed that a significant
number of students are aware of the feelings of local residents
and consider some restriction necessary, but think that current
suggestions go too far. There was particular disappointment at
the ban on “fluid spraying,” which will mean the end of
foaming bottles of Champagne being sprayed by elated students. An Oxford spokeswoman said, “Students need to realise
that local residents may not enjoy walking down a street smelling
of alcohol for weeks on end.” But Robert Lane, a Geography
student at Jesus who is due to take his first public examinations
this term, said, “I can understand people not liking food
littering the streets, but liquids dry quickly and cause minimal
mess. Champagne is part of the Oxford tradition and has never
caused any problems before.” Few were concerned at the plans to ban pig offal, or even
flour and eggs, from the proceedings. Alex Holbourn, a Brasenose
Law student told Cherwell, “Flour and eggs are a bit
unnecessary but Champagne is par for the course. If that’s
banned, no one will take any notice of the regulations.” The
University was eager to point out that alcohol is banned from
Oxford’s streets. However, the police say that the relevant
bylaw does not extend to Merton Street, where exam celebrations
are traditionally held. They also said that they “would only
become involved [in policing the event] in very extreme
circumstances.” Although they are concerned about “the
views of those living in and around the Merton street area, who
may not appreciate buckets of pig offal on the street”, they
are adamant that “it is all about creating a balance, not
penalizing students who have worked extremely hard and want to
let off some steam in the traditional Oxford fashion.” The University was keen to point out that “the Code of
Conduct does not constitute a change in rules and regulations, it
simply spells out in more detail what is in the University
regulations.” However, the proactive attempt to bring
student inputs to the proposals suggests the University is keen
that it should hold credibility in students’ eyes. Ben Baulf, a first year classics student at Univ, pointed out
that “if Champagne had not been banned, there may have been
a chance of people adhering to these regulations. But as it
stands, few will pay attention to rules they see simply as
designed to spoil their well earned fun.” Breaking the code
could result in a £70 fine from the university proctors. Rosie Buckland, OUSU Welfare Officer, said she would be
encouraging support for the code which she believes is a good
compromise. The code does not ban glitter or confetti. It is to
be put to OUSU Council today at 2.15pm and, if passed, will have
the backing of the student union, which is constitutionally bound
to represent student opinion. If the council votes not to approve the code as it stands, the
student union will attempt to renegotiate the contents with the
University. There is a chance that the University will instead
impose the code anyway, or even introduce a total ban on
celebrations outside the exam schools.ARCHIVE: 0th week TT 2004