Friday, January 24, 2025

Hertford joins Fairtrade wave

Oxford University’s support for ethical trade gained ground this week after Hertford announced that it had officially become a Fairtrade College.

It is the third Oxford college to be given Fairtrade status from the Fairtrade Foundation, after Linacre and Wadham. Motions of support for Fairtrade were passed by Hertford JCR, MCR and the governing body. The announcement is the culmination of a four-year project by Hertford members to win the status.

The motion passed stated “That many colleges are currently working towards Fairtrade college status and that if two-thirds of colleges become Fairtrade colleges, Oxford becomes an official ‘Fairtrade university’.”

The JCR resolved to ensure that “Fairtrade products…be  available at all catering outlets in college and that JCR members should be informed of the benefits of Fairtrade.”

Mike Prater, the Hertford College JCR Fairtrade representative explained, “Fairtrade products guarantee developing country farmers a fair wage and ensure good standards of social welfare and environmental sustainability are upheld. We hope that Hertford getting Fairtrade status will act as a catalyst to encourage other Colleges to switch to Fairtrade.”

In order to become a Fairtrade college, the Foundation sets five criteria. These include ensuring that Fairtrade products are stocked at all catering outlets around College as well as creating a Fairtrade steering group.

 To meet these criteria, Hertford sells Fairtrade tea, coffee, Divine chocolate and bananas in Hall and the JCR has since October 2006 sold Fairtrade Hertford Hoodies.

The College also takes part in the Valentine’s Day Fairtrade chocolate delivery service whilst members have promoted Fairtrade products through food and wine tasting events.

The first meeting of Hertford’s steering group occurred in Michaelmas term, with  Hertford’s Home Bursar Jo Roadknight and Bob Hart, the Hertford Catering Manager, in attendance. The Committee noted that Fairtrade products should be purchased even if they are marginally more expensive than non-Fairtrade products.

Melissa Boulter, who seconded the Fairtrade motion, said, “I am really proud that Hertford has gained Fairtrade status and that our college has come together around something so positive. It is a small step towards a more equitable society.

“It would be brilliant to see other colleges follow us and make a commitment to Fairtrade, through stocking more Fairtrade products and raising its awareness, so that more of the producers of the products we buy in the University can get a fairer wage.”
by Rob Pomfret, Deputy News Editor

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