Sunday, March 9, 2025

Oxford most charitable city

Oxford is the UK’s most charitable city, according to a new survey.

The average Oxford resident has donated £67.44 to charity over the last twelve months, compared to the national average of just £49.90.

William Seligman, JCR rep for charities at Magdalen College, welcomed the news, saying, “I am pleased that despite most students being more conscious than ever of their own economic situation, they are still donating considerable amounts to charity.”

Jake Leeper, President of Oxford Hub, said he would “react cautiously” to the news. He said, “Oxford is a city with extremes of wealth and poverty, and £67 can be relatively little to one individual but would mean significantly more to someone with a modest income.”

Leeper also pointed out that the survey fails to take account of “the economic value of volunteering.” He argued, “Sometimes giving your time is more valuable than simply making a donation, and for some people is the only option.”

250 Oxford students volunteered for Oxford Hub projects last year. The organization currently runs 5 volunteering projects in the city.

Wadhamite Sarah Duncan has volunteered in a primary school and a care home in Oxford. She said she enjoyed “doing something tangible instead of just essays”, having “a new focus and environment” by meeting people from Oxford that aren’t students.

She also noted how volunteering can be positive for students as they feel less like “a drain on society” and teaches skills you won’t learn in the classroom.

One St. Hilda’s student expressed surprise at the news saying, “I didn’t think a city with so many students would be so generous. I might donate occasionally, but I don’t have any long-term commitments to charity.”

However, Seligman claims that in his experience “students in Oxford are keen to support charitable endeavours.”

The survey, carried out by Cardsave Community, questioned over 5000 people. They discovered Liverpool was the UK’s least generous city, with each resident giving an average of just £39.18 to good causes over the past year.

Other top charitable cities include Swansea, Aberdeen, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Cambridge, Plymouth, Manchester and Portsmouth ranked among the least generous cities in the country.

A spokesman for Cardsave Community said, “Many people have seen their bank balances suffer this year as a result of the recession, but it’s great to see that people are still supporting their favourite charities.”

He added, “Every penny counts and no matter how small a donation is, it will help someone out.”

A survey by the Charities Aid Foundation has discovered the under-35s are giving more to charity now than ever before, though people aged between 35 and 44 are the most generous over all.


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