Sunday, January 19, 2025

Bronze Age site uncovered

Archaeologists have discovered what they believe to be a prehistoric Bronze Age burial site in Oxford.

Representatives from the Museum of London Archaeology (Mola) say the find, discovered on the site of the old Radcliffe Infirmary could be 4,000 years old. Radio carbon dating is being carried out in an attempt to substantiate the claims.

The experts were alerted to the possibility of the presence of ancient burial sites by the discovery of three large “ring ditches”.

A Mola spokesperson explained, “Ring ditches are, as the name suggests, circular ditches, which are often the remains of ploughed-out barrows, that may be associated with burials of high-status individuals in the later Neolithic or Bronze Age, about 4,000 years ago.”

Prehistoric burial often took place around the River Thames, known as the Isis as it passes through Oxford.

Evidence of a later sixth century Saxon settlement has also been revealed. Features found included a sunken featured craft hut known as a Grübenhauser and a pit containing unfired clay loom weights.

The Mola spokesperson said, “The knowledge obtained should make a significant contribution to public appreciation of this important part of Oxford’s past, when the landscape was very different from that seen today.”
Mike Wigg, Head of Capital Projects at Oxford University said, “The University was delighted to provide the opportunity for an investigation of Oxford heritage to be carried out in advance of any development work.”

The news has provoked interest and excitement from the student body. Second-year historian Olly Richard commented, “I think this it is fantastic. The city has such a great historical pedigree and this only adds to it. I thought I knew Oxford, but it is clear that the dream of discovering new elements of our beautiful city is not over.”

Fiona Ström, also a second-year student added, “It’s fascinating that all this rich history that is now being uncovered has been hidden just a few metres below the surface for so many years. It is wonderful how we are still uncovering the stories and secrets of the past.”

The Radcliffe Infirmary site, situated between Woodstock Road, Somerville College, Walton Street and Observatory Street is being redeveloped as part of plans for Oxford University’s new Radcliffe Observatory Quarter.

Last month Oxford University revealed its redevelopment plans for the 3.7 hectare site, which will form part of the new Radcliffe Observatory Quarter. The area will house a mathematical institute, a humanities building and a library. The dig was carried out prior to building work beginning.


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