Perhaps the most surreal aspect of appearing on University Challenge is watching how you go down online. My friends and I tracked the response to me on Twitter with a mixture of masturbatory fascination and abject horror, and were met with a sea of creepy, sexually explicit and insulting tweets. I’ve been asked (note “asked”; I’ve not quite reached the heights of self-obsession necessary to propose such a feature) to list my five favourite below, so here they are:
Being caked in make-up under hot studio lights in a thick jumper clearly didn’t do me any favours.
HONK. What people think they can infer about your sexual preferences is alarming(ly accurate).
You could look up “hungry power bottom” but it’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like. The second was an exceptionally creative insult; I was actually trying to smile subtly at my grandma in the audience, but I did look like a bit of a cunt/amphibian so fair.
Perhaps the creepiest of the tweets, but I’m classing this as being ‘papped’ and thus the start of my ascent to fame.