Akshay Bilolikar

Akshay Bilolikar is the Editor of Cherwell for MT17. He can be found on Twitter @aks__hay.

Disaster is just an accident away in 2016

The fragile state of world affairs in the year ahead in 2016

Debate: ‘Is hosting the Olympics a mistake for Rio?’

Terror threats, drugs cheats and corruption: are the Summer Games worth it for Brazil?Akshay Bilolikar and Jamie Huffer address some of the pros and cons associated with hosting the Olympics.

Christmas is consumerist. So what?

Akshay Bilolikar defends consumerism and capitalism in the season of good will and gift-buying

At Oxford, you’re probably part of the elite

Akshay Bilolikar and Alexander Curtis examine Oxford admissions in light of a new survey and offer their respective takes on the issue