Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Alexander Woolley

Cultural reflections

A finalist opens his mind to the aging process and its effect on his cultural identity

Adam Kay on blood and swearing

The man behind 'London Underground' talks about his life as an obstetrician, singing a certain song billions of times and his relationship with Cosmopolitan

An ethical Hog Roast

Alexander Woolley talks eco-food with OxGrow’s latest venture

Home Office immigration crackdown on Alternative Tuck Shop

Shop closed after border authorities' raid targets staff

Ready for your screen test?

Alexander Woolley revises the best and worst of exams on screen

Union hosts hustings for County Council elections

Alexander Woolley reports from the Goodman library

The East London Group: Artists Worth Remembering

Alexander Woolley takes a look at David Buckman's new book 'From Bow to Biennale: Artists of the East London Group'.

Hilda’s Harlem Shake reaches House of Commons

National Exclusive: George Galloway tables motion in support of fired librarian and disciplined students

Not the Oxford Literary Festival

Alex Woolley talks to poet Adelle Stripe about the upcoming festival

Review: Phedre

Alexander Woolley is relieved to leave this problematic production

Protests to save Port Meadow

Protesters outside the Union and Bodleian campaign against the University's construction on Roger Dudman Way

Focus on…The Old Fire Station

Alexander Woolley talks to Artistic Director Jeremy Spafford

Review: Another Country

Alex Woolley reviews the second Playhouse show of the term

Students are a boost to UK economy

A study by a university think-tank has shown that a drop in undergraduate enrolment would cost the UK economy billions of pounds

Hands tied on Fifty Shades spin-off

Alexander Woolley looks at a mischievous prank on a fickle industry

Preview: They Will Be Red

Alexander Woolley is impressed by this innovative BT production

Endeavour being filmed in Oxford

Endeavour, a prequel to Morse focussing on Morse as a young detective in the 1960's, is currently being filmed on location in Oxford.

Focus on… Pegasus Theatre

Alexander Woolley talks to Angharad Phillips, Youth Arts Leader at Pegasus Theatre

Pakistan Society criticised for Galloway talk

The Oxford Feminist Network protests against George Galloway’s appearance, citing his previous references to allegations facing Julian Assange

Preview: Angels in America

Alexander Woolley previews Hilary's first Playhouse production

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