Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920

Annabel Hazlitt

Best of the rest: events still to come in Trinity

With the last issue of Cherwell out in seventh week, we look ahead to everything still to happen

Interview: Brian Lara

Annabel Hazlitt talks cricket, KP, and destiny with cricketing hero Brian Lara

Hockey goes underwater

Lincoln stays afloat to secure Octopush Cuppers victory

Somerville end Teddy bears’ picnic

Women’s team victorious in 2015 Netball Cuppers

What the Women’s Boat Race means for female sport

Oxford and Cambridge now lead the world in sporting equality, as female rowers earn long-overdue recognition

Bleat Dark Blue

The Varsity event of the year....The Goat Race 2015


All good Oxonians, record-holding rowers and Investment Management CEOs love a good selfie...

The Beginner’s Guide to The Boat Race(s)

Impress/annoy every living soul you come into contact with, with your in-depth knowledge of all things Boat Race

Why Vinnie’s should remain single-sex

Female membership of Vincent's Club would be a backwards step for Oxford Blues sport, according to Annabel Hazlitt

No champagne for the Hockey Varsity teams

Both the Men's and the Women's hockey teams lost to the Tabs