Anthony Collins

Cherworld – An Unhappy Union?

Anthony and Anna round off Hilary term by taking a look at Oxford's most infamous political society: what can be done to make Union elections cleaner?

Cherworld – Trenton resurfaces

As the boat race disrupter is invited to Oxford to speak about the right to protest, Anthony and Anna look back at his treatment by the universities and the media since he shot to fame in 2012

Cherworld – Exe-terrible

As Exeter students go on hall strike to protest crippling catering charges, Anthony and Anna wonder whether something should be done to close the gap between rich and poor colleges

Cherworld — Here Comes The Sun

As Merton College unsubscribe from the Sun newspaper in protest at Page 3, Anthony and Anna discuss whether colleges gain or lose out by depriving themselves of Britain's best loved red-top.

Cherworld – A Tory Bonfire

The NUS has come under fire after one member reportedly suggested building a bonfire and putting the Tories on top. Anthony is joined by guest presenter Rowan Borchers to discuss the 'vitriolic' atmosphere of the NUS, and whether conservatives are victimised by other students

Cherworld – A* is born

As Cambridge ups their standard science offer to A*A*A, Anthony and Anna consider whether Oxford should follow suit

Cherworld – Oxford fuels discontent

As OUSU condemns the university's fossil fuel investments, Anthony and Anna ask whether Oxford can be expected to stick to purely 'ethical' investments

Cherworld – A Chance in a lifetime

As law firm Clifford Chance introduce a 'CV blind' recruitment process, Anthony and Anna ask whether it is fair for firms to ignore what university you went for when deciding whether to offer you a job

Cherworld – Willett do any good?

University minister David Willetts is the target of abuse from protesters whenever he returns to Oxford. Anna and Anthony discuss the merits of this extreme treatment

Cherworld – £1000 for a first?

As one Exeter alumnus pledges to donate in proportion to the number of students who get firsts, Anthony and Anna are joined by Exeter finalist Ella Kirsh to discuss the rights and wrongs of academic incentives

Cherworld – a pointless ASsessment?

As the government and Oxford University come to blows over the scrapping of AS Levels, Anthony and Anna debate the merits and drawbacks of sitting exams at 17

Cherworld – Mr President

Anthony and Anna discuss a Cherwell investigation which shows that men still constitute two-thirds of JCR Presidents in Oxford: is subconscious sexism to blame?

Cherworld – the Oxbridge dilemma

For the first episode of term, Anthony and Anna examine the age-old rule preventing applicants from applying to both Oxford and Cambridge — a rule which may apparently breach competition law

Cherworld – Intern of our discontent

Anthony and Anna meet specially over the vacation to bring you this one-off episode. As many Oxford students are finishing their internships, they discuss the rights and wrongs of unpaid internships, as well as the controversial 'internship auction' held at Abingdon School earlier in the summer

Cherworld – A Question of Faith

In the last edition of Cherworld for Trinity Term, Anthony and Anna examine the opposition to contraception expressed by certain members of St Anne's JCR. Should religious views allow people to opt out of paying? What place does religion hold in modern-day Oxford?

Cherworld – Be my guest

As Trinity College apologises for hosting controversial group Christian Concern, Anthony, Sophie and Anna discuss the perils and pitfalls of colleges hosting conferences

Cherworld – The Finals Frontier

Anthony and Anna are joined by long-time Cherworld star Sophie Jamieson, to discuss a disastrous blunder made by this year's PPE examiners

Cherworld – College Politics

Anthony and Anna are joined by guest presenter and proud Wadhamite William Pimlott, to discuss the role of politics in college life

Cherworld – the gender agenda

Last week, OUSU’s delegates to the NUS voted in favour of gender-balancing quotas, defying an earlier OUSU straw poll. Anthony and Anna are joined by guest presenter Tom Beardsworth to discuss this thorny issue

Cherworld: OUCA-holics anonymous

Anthony and Anna clash over the Oxford University Conservative Association's traditional weekly event, 'Port and Policy'