Ben Deaner

Not a union man, through and through

Ben Deaner encourages students not to bother voting in the upcoming Union elections

Keep Off The Grass: An Insider’s Guide to Clubbing

Oxford's newest publication, the alternative Freshers' Guide, brings you the student's perspective on clubs, nights out, and cheap, cheap drinks in Oxford

A national embralessment

Ben Deaner asks why Brits are throwing a tantrum about tits.

Young, Bright and Full of Shite

Ben Deaner colourfully considers the Beeb's attempt to needle Oxford Tories

The Clegg-Cameron conundrum

Ben Deaner takes a sardonic swipe at the current Clegg-Cameron malaise

The UK and Europe – born to lose

Ben Deaner on what Eurovision can tell us about the UK and Europe

No Minister – Playing it cool

Ben Deaner argues that the British Prime Minister should should stop trying to be hip

It’s as democratic as you make it

The NHS reforms show how easily public opinion gets steamrollered in this country, and the necessity of constitutional reform