Monday, March 3, 2025

Cherwell Comment

“Frustrating and Disappointing”: Why the Oxford Union’s decision to host the caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan was a mistake

"As a student of Pakistani origin, it was frustrating and disappointing to see Kakar deciding to visit the United Kingdom and the Union choosing to host him"

Say Bye Bye to Billionaires

"If you can put aside all humanity, wrestle the other hogs away from the trough, and get your snout deep enough into the swill, you too could be a billionaire living high to the detriment of millions."

Hong Kong National Security Law: Safeguard or Subversion?

"Any legal grounds in defence of the National Security Law are uprooted by the breaches in fundamental principles that have long governed life in Hong Kong, by the laws of China where justice and fairness are near non-existent."

Time to emulate Eton?

Abolish: Education secretary Damien Hinds has said he wishes to call time on the phrase ‘public school confidence’, mainly by introducing a programme of ‘five...

What’s next for Theresa May?

Major constitutional changes must not be carried out without adequate support

Is it time for Theresa May to be binned?

In light of the wave of minister resignations and possible no confidence vote, is it time for Theresa May to go?

Should Murray have been disinvited?

Yes: Hannah Healey The central argument against no-platforming in universities is a clear one: we should allow debate around controversial topics because it inspires resilience,...

Access denied? Reflections on a revealing week in Oxford

Students share their personal perspectives on Oxford's access report

Oxford Reacts: The Vice-Chancellor’s Comments

After the Vice Chancellor's comments from earlier in the week, we bring you the personal perspectives from in and around campus

5 Minute Tute: Geology

Jonathan Westbury, a Development and Exploration Geologist, tutors Cherwell on geology

Sides of the Scandal: Berlusconi

Comment sizes up Silvio

5 Minute Tute: Russia

Luke Harding, Guardian Foreign Correspondent and author of 'Mafia State', tutors Cherwell on Russia

Oxford Personalities of the Week

Cherwell brings you the multiple personalities who have made this week

Oxford Personality of the Week

Cherwell Comment brings you Angus Aitken!

The Week That Wasn’t – Freshers Week

Cherwell Comment gives a wholly inaccurate account of Freshers Week

Sides of the Scandal

Our take on other takes of the Pleb-gate scandal

Were you convinced by Nick Clegg’s apology? Take our survey

Take our survey on whether Clegg's apology redeemed or damned him in the eyes of Oxford Student

Sides of the Story: The French Presidential election

Our take on other takes on the French election

Alain de Botton talks religion

Alain de Botton discusses what atheists can learn from religion and the benefits of original sin

The week that was: Ireland’s EU bailout

What happened? Top o' de mornin' to ya! Vaguely racist japery aside, the Irish are in trouble. This presents problems for national stereotyping. Normally we...

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