Cherwell Editorial

Editorial Statement

We at Cherwell are incredibly excited to begin the next term, whatever it may hold. Preparing for the future necessitates examining our past, and...

Cherwell Careers Guide 2016

Check out the 2016 version of the Cherwell Careers Guide

Cherwell’s fresher glossary: part three

The unmissable final installment of Cherwell's guide to Oxford's need-to-know slang. Like the urban dictionary, but more useful.

Cherwell’s fresher glossary: part two

The unmissable second installment of Cherwell's guide to Oxford's need-to-know slang. Like the urban dictionary, but more useful.

Cherwell’s fresher glossary: part one

A handy guide for the uninitiated - with some of the things we wish we'd known as fresh-faced Freshers.

Great exploitations: the internship debate

Are unpaid internships just free-labour opportunities?

Be ambitious, but not boring

Oxford students go on to do amazing things. But don't worry about that yet.

It’s time to bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles

Oxford is too cliquey. Let's break down some barriers.

The results of the election are in, so why are we still waiting for the verdict on fees?

We need to know the parties' higher education policies to make an informed choice

Forget the red top. Next Thursday, we’re going yellow

Dr Steve Goddard is the clear choice for Oxford East

Everybody’s at it and nobody’s judging. Try something new today

Without wanting to sound too like the opening of an underprepared essay, what does it mean to be 'gay'? We're not going to get...

Win tickets to see Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s MICMACS

A unique opportunity for Cherwell readers

Editorial: Consider, engage and argue, don’t just shout louder.

We need to raise the level of debate beyond the playground and who can drown out the opposition.

Oxford’s Innovations

Cherwell takes a look at what our academics and researchers do when they aren't complaining about us.

Cherwell’s New Year’s Resolutions

Our dos and don'ts for 2010

Cherwell’s end-of-the-year quiz

Test your knowledge and put a picture of your choice in next term's Cherwell

That’s more like it

Those asking questions about OUSU's role should take a look at what they have achieved this week. Candidates, take note.

OCA’s commitment to reform is in doubt

The actions of OCA's members speak louder than the token gestures of its leadership

Risa, we hardly knew thee

Nothing impassions a student quite like the closure of a mediocre nightclub

Time to think again

When there is near universal opposition of opinion to your actions, it is time to reconsider what you are doing.