This version of ‘The Government Inspector’, directed by Sophie Pinn, is a lively, fast-moving comedy that provides a fun night of light entertainment. Gogol’s...
Graffiti currently covers most international cities’ public surfaces and urban scrawl can even be seen deep into the suburbs and country villages. Yet debates...
Aeneid: The Musical is thigh-slapping, hearty, old-fashioned nerdy fun. The classics department’s jolly panto is high-brow slapstick; it’s not veering into the sub-terrain of...
It’s back again. Following the logical pattern of increasing numbers (i.e. counting), we now have Ocean’s Thirteen. Perhaps Ron Howard should have used the...
In 2005, DCMS (the Department for Culture, Media and Sport) commissioned a campaign, ‘The Music Manifesto,’ with an agenda of revolutionising the teaching of...
Editors walked a fine line. Plagiarisers in extremis? Spirit-channelling musical mediums? Fiery flashes in the notorious indie pan? First album ‘The Back Room’ went...
‘Funf’ collates ten years’ worth of the Liverpool band’s ‘B-sides and rarities’ into something of a diverse collection. Clinic recycle the clichés of their...
This is one of those corporate things which normally we’d shy away from acknowledging - part of Vodafone’s ‘Live Music Campaign,’ according to their...
After an exhilirating Summer Eights week, Magdalen’s men and Teddy Hall’s girls retain their respective positions at the head of the river. However, both...