Friday, March 7, 2025



2/5 I really wanted this play to be good. Terry Prachett’s novel is funny, clever, and has real narrative force. ‘Death’ is a fine comic...

Oxford left with ‘additional barrier to entry’ after Cambridge tears up entrance forms

Oxford is now the only British university that asks applicants to complete a separate application form, after Cambridge last week announced it was scrapping...

Students at Mansfield have launched a campaign against the College’s plan to secularise its tr

Students at Mansfield have launched a campaign against the College’s plan to secularise its traditional branding.A Facebook group, ‘Save the Mansfield Crest’ has been...

True West

4/5True West is a grim family drama that plays out the disastrous relationship between two brothers. Screenwriter Austin is peacefully writing his script in...

Burglaries drive out Regent’s students

A group of Regent’s Park students have been forced to move back into college accommodation after their house was burgled twice in the space...

No Exit

4/5 “Hell is other people.” This is something you might have heard before, uttered bitterly by disillusioned adults, or something you might have thought yourself...

Corpus joins Hugh’s Ball after poor ticket sales

Corpus Christi and St Hugh’s college balls are set to merge as a result of poor ticket sales for the Corpus Christi ball.Corpus JCR...

Review: Debris

The Burton Taylor Studio, 28th February-1st March Dennis Kelly’s Debris begins with the Crucifixion. This, though undeniably comparable with the Christian sacrifice it mimics, does...

Clems VIP area rejected

A proposal to build a VIP area at Clementines nightclub has been rejected by Oxford councillors at an East Area Committee meeting, while students...

COMMENT: Climate Change and the US

Ben Williams takes a look at the policies of US presidential candidates regarding climate change.The two terms in office served by President Bush could...

More CCTV for Cowley

Four new CCTV cameras, costing around £96,000, are to be placed along the Cowley road, in problem areas recognised by the City Council. Cameras...

Video Investigation: Visiting Students

Cherwell24 investigates the extent to which Visiting Students feel integrated in Oxford University

The Real Dark Materials

Rhian Holvey takes us on a tour through physics and fiction, dark matter and dust.  Philip Pullman’s ‘His Dark Materials’ trilogy is undoubtedly one of...

Great Novels: The Portrait of a Lady, by Henry James

Mesmerizing and provocative, Henry James’s 1880 novel, The Portrait of a Lady, challenges us to be unmoved by its contents. It is a story...

BBC Mastermind Comes to Oxford

The BBC last week hosted Oxford auditions for Mastermind. Tens of quiz contestant hopefuls pitted themselves against one another at the Randolph Hotel, hoping...

Live Review: Simian Mobile Disco, Carling Academy

Before Simian I had only seen one genuine dance act live before; Faithless, in front of a crowd of 100,000 at the V Festival....

Album Review: Los Campesinos! – Hold On Now, Youngster…

The exclamation mark alone gives you a pretty good idea of the sort of relentless cheeriness the seven members of Los Campesinos! peddle. In...

Greyfriars rejected £30 million bid to keep Hall open

See also: last term's video report on Greyfriars' closure  Alumni and students could take legal action after Friars refuse plans to help...

Album Review: The Feeling – Join With Us

The Feeling’s first album, Twelve Stops and Home, came with certain social conditions attached – or I felt it did at least. Chief amongst...

The Local: Glitches at the Carling Academy

The Glitches this Saturday became the first student band to headline the Carling Academy, and they deserved it. Rocking through their short set, the...

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