Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Claire Harrill

Review: Vagina Monologues

Claire Harrill feels that, whilst there are many well observed moments, this production of the Vagina Monologues could have benefitted well from a little more rehearsal

First Night: Sleeping Beauty

Claire Harrill is both perplexed and amused by a performance of the the ballet Sleeping Beauty at the New Theatre

Preview : A Man for all Seasons

A powerful Tudor play, taking place in a fantastic setting, A Man For All Seasons takes place in the University Church in 8th Week.

Preview : Caligula

Claire Harrill is impressed by the modern adaptation of Camus’ play. Caligula is on at the Burton Taylor Tues - Sat of 7th Week.

Preview: Antony and Cleopatra

Claire Harrill sees a new take on the classical Shakespearean play Antony and Cleopatra

Shakespeare Disappear?

Claire Harrill worries that bard may soon become barred as funding cuts take effect

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