Emmeline Skinner Cassidy

Interview: Shirin Gerami

Emmeline Skinner Cassidy discusses the importance of love and hope with the first female Iranian triathlete

We must confront sexual violence

Emmeline Skinner Cassidy appeals to her own experience in arguing that we must take note of the stats

Time to open up

Emmeline Skinner Cassidy describes her personal experience of the refugee crisis from Syria

Debate: Is Jeremy Corbyn the Best Choice For Labour?

As the Labour Leadership Campaign steps up, we ask whether Jeremy Corbyn really is the man for the job

The rebels of Amman

Emmeline Skinner Cassidy talks to some of Amman's residents about what it is like to be gay in Jordan

What next for the Greek people?

A series of short interviews reveal how the latest crisis is affecting the ordinary people of Greece

OUSU to keep NUS affiliation

OUSU Council voted against holding NUS referendum for 2015-16

Rough sleeping ban scrapped

Council removes rough sleeping from list of activities to be criminalised

Campaign launches app to support sexual violence victims

New mobile app provides instant way to report sexual violence and get support

Will hope ever spring eternal?

Emmeline Skinner Cassidy visited two very different parts of the Palestinian territories

Reconciling the Christmas Story with the real Jerusalem

Emmeline Skinner Cassidy finds a rift between the Jerusalem of the Bible and the Jerusalem of the 21st century

Who says who’s free?

Emmeline Skinner Cassidy begins to question cultural assumptions on her year abroad in Jordan

Reclaiming my body: dancing in Amman

Emmeline Skinner Cassidy talks about finding liberation in an unexpected way