Monday, March 3, 2025

Esther Hodges

OUSU Debate 2014

This week sees Oxford go to the polls for the OUSU elections. Cherwell has been talking to OUSU's Presidential candidates.

Feminism Conference

Esther Hodges reports on the recent Feminism in Theory and Action conference for CherwellTV

Preview: OxfordOxford Festival

Cherwell looks ahead at the inaugural run of a brand new festival based right here in South Park, which hopes to become a permanent fixture to the festival circuit

Oxford professor: rules of the internet will be ‘forgotten’

Oxford professor Luciano Floridi warns that a European Court Ruling allowing people to remove their names from search engine results will change the face of the internet

Summer Eights 2014

Cherwell interviews rowers and spectators at the last day of Summer Eights 2014

Trashing supplies website trashes its criticism

Team behind student-run website defend 'symbolic and integral practice' of trashing after exams

Hertford JCR votes to subsidise Mooncups

Hertford JCR has voted to subsidise the purchase of sustainable feminine hygiene products Mooncups by members

Police investigating chants of "rape" in Central Oxford

Police are investigating a group, thought to contain a few member of the Wyvern Cambridge drinking society, who were chanting 'rape' on Oxford High Street

Oxford ranked second to last for social mobility

Research shows Oxford performs badly in a league ranking universities on social mobility

Vice Chancellor second highest paid in UK

Oxford University’s Vice Chancellor earns the second highest salary for his job in the country

Magdalen temporary library sparks student concern

Magdalen's library redevelopment has left some students without a workplace as Trinity term begins

Investigation: Sex in Oxford

Is Oxford getting any? C+ investigates the sex lives, masturbation habits and relationships of Oxford students

39% of Oxford students have had unprotected sex

C+ looks at contraception, STIs, and students’ attitudes toward sexual health

How does OUSU spend our money?

Cherwell analyses OUSU's finances

What does OUSU really do for Oxford students?

With Oriel JCR having recently voted to disaffiliate from OUSU, Cherwell asks what role Oxford's student union plays

Question and answer with OUSU President Tom Rutland

C+ chats to OUSU President Tom Rutland about the role of the student union

Cherwell investigates study drugs in Oxford

VIDEO: Are students tempted by study drugs that claim to improve concentration?

Question and answer with Regent’s Rabbits

C+ discusses Regent's Rabbits, a female drinking society at Regent's Park, with Queen Bunny Beth Hibbert and Princess Bunny Henna Shah

"Disproportionate coverage"?

How does the press treat drinking societies? C+ investigates

Drinking societies – a relic of Oxford?

Following last term’s drinking society controversies, C+ investigates the role drinking societies play in Oxford today

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