Monday, March 10, 2025

Evy Cavalla

Debate: Is college marriage a successful institution?

Evy Cavalla and Tom Carter argue the purpose of college marriage.

Interview: Luke Harding

Evy Cavalla talks Vladimir Putin and Edward Snowden with Guardian journalist Luke Harding

The Problem with Paxman

Evy Cavalla argues that Jeremy Paxman's recent performances show the presenter's bias and lack of professional standards

Cherwell tries…Being an Artist

Every week, a member of the Cherwell team tries a new cultural experience. This weekend was spent living the life of an impoverished artist Finsbury Park

Culture Editorial: Translating The Untranslatable

Evy Cavalla on beauty and fidelity in translation

Cherwell Tries…Cut & Stick

Every week, Cherwell tries a new cultural experience: this week, we helped produce a feminist zine

Culture Editorial: Inside Llewyn Davies

Evy Cavalla gets inside Inside Llewyn Davies

Culture Editorial… Sochi Olympics

Evy Cavalla calls Putin's motives into question

Cherwell tries… Tap Dance

Tap lessons put a twinkle in Evy Cavalla's toes

Culture Editorial: Quite a Dish

Evy Cavalla is dismayed by lazy objectification in Coriolanus

Preview: Can’t Stand Up For Falling Down

An intimate depiction of domestic violence at the TSK

Preview: Shells

From the writer of Bluebeard and Lead Feathers comes a new play, set in a post-apocalyptic Britain

Review: Judgment at Nuremberg

A compelling and assured performance of this unmissable production

Preview: Saved

An entertaining, human and engaging production from a cast who are clearly having a lot of fun.

Preview: The Ghosts of Barucone Manor

Another Halloween-themed show, about spectres, spirits and ghouls

Preview: Foxfinder

A look ahead at this tight, confident and promising performance of Dawn King's dystopia

Oxford Shows at the Fringe 2013

Whether you want to see your tute partner singing about Rousseau or view the run-up to the apocalypse as imagined within the walls of Babylove, Cherwell has the shortcuts to all things Oxford at the Fringe

Review: RSC’s A Mad World My Masters

A triumphant musical farce at the Royal Shakespeare Company

Preview: Middle England

An examination of our class prejudices at very close quarters

Spotlight On… Look Back in Anger

Evy Cavalla speaks to the director and assistant director taking Osborne's show to the Fringe

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