Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Henry Clarke Price

Centre Stage: Barnaby Rudge

Henry Clarke Price talks to the creators of the new stage adaptation of Dickens' novel.

VIDEO: Cycle crackdown at KA junction

68 cyclists - mostly students - were fined for jumping red lights at the notorious crossroads.

Police fine cyclists at KA junction

Cyclists were issued £30 fines as part of a police operation at the junction of Parks Road and Broad Street.  More soon.

Plug pulled on Oxide

Student radio station has been operating without a licence for two years.

Police ‘unlawfully’ raid house party

Sniffer dog finds no substances on guests - drugs lawyer says searches may have been 'unlawful'

Union rule change poll opens

Members of the Oxford Union are voting today on a proposed change to the debating society's election regulations, despite a mistake in election publicity.   It emerged this weekend that printed publicity for the poll was erroneous, leaving out part of the proposed rule change.  A corrected version has been published on the Oxford Union website.   The poll closes at 9pm.   See also: Omkar triggers Union poll  

Oxford tops league table again

Oxford University has come top of The Good University Guide's national league table for the sixth time in seven years.   Vice-Chancellor John Hood said: "Oxford’s top position is the result of the commitment and enthusiasm of our outstanding scholars and students, assisted by committed administrative and support staff."   The University also came first in the subject tables for Geology, Middle Eastern and African Studies, Music and Politics.   More from The Independent

Magdalen reaffiliate to OUSU

Magdalen College voted by 98 votes to 28 on Tuesday to reaffiliate to the student union.   The college has been disaffiliated since Trinity Term 2007. 

Video: Kitchen fire closes Wagamama

Unrelated to Thursday's incident at Schuh, says fire officer.

Fire on Magdalen Street

VIDEO: Fire crews were called to Schuh on Thursday evening to tackle a small blaze. 

Omkar blocked by RO

Krishna Omkar has been blocked from having his proposed changes to Union rules debated in the chamber. Returning Officer Cameron Penny believes that the proposals,...

By-by election after LMH online vote ‘lacks secrecy’

A complaints tribunal has called for the results of Lady Margaret Hall’s JCR by-election to be annulled after the reliability of the online voting...

President delays Omkar vote

A vote on Krishna Omkar’s proposals to change Union rules has been delayed until Thursday. If passed, the rule changes will overturn lifetime bans...

Partington left to pick up the pieces as election chaos goes global

Oxford Union President Emily Partington was forced to deny allegations of sexual harassment and racism at the debating society this week after the story...

Omkar makes last-ditch bid for Presidency

Krishna Omkar has proposed a change to Union rules that would see his lifetime ban from running in elections lifted, allowing him to run...

Union left in disarray after President-Elect disqualified

Allegations fly at Frewin Court as Omkar is disqualified and Fischer resigns The Oxford Union is currently without a President-Elect after Krishna Omkar’s win was...

Feature: The Bod’s Secret Underbelly

by Henry Clarke PriceI had a slightly strange fixation when I was younger. In the mind of mini-Henry, it was all about tunnels. The...

The Gospel according to OUSU, chapter one…

The Student Union elections reach biblical proportions.  

Chris Huhne MP on David Cameron, the press and that Isis article

  Despite being 12 days into his second bid for the leadership of the Liberal Democrats, with the odds already stacked heavily against him, Chris...

Universities are not here to fix the faults of schools

I’ve never been a fan of the word “admissions”. Entry to a fairground is an admission. The red-faced explanation you make to the A&E...

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