Jane-Marie Saldanha

Top 5: Open Air Cinema Events

The best of this Summer's outdoor cinema venues

Italian Renaissance Drawings @ The British Museum

Jane-Marie Saldanha reviews one of the biggest exhibitions of the year

The magic motion man

Jane-Marie Saldanha speaks with Adam Elliot, independent animator extraordinaire

The Future’s Brightwide

Jane-Marie Saldanha talks to Paola De Leo, Executive Director of a new website for Social and Political cinema

Why We’re Fussed About Fassbender

Jane-Marie Saldanha talks to actor Michael Fassbender

LIDF Blog: Part One

The Cherwell's blog from The London International Documentary Festival

Who likes short shorts?

Jane-Marie Saldanha investigates the art of the short film with Logorama's Herve de Crecy

Document this! A Festival of Ideas

Jane-Marie Saldanha talks to the organiser of the London International Documentary Festival

Review: Erasing David

A truly unsettling film about privacy in Great Britain


Jane-Marie Saldanha on why Jerry Maguire isn't worth an Oscar nomination.

Review: Heligoland

Worth waiting seven years for? Probably, says Jane-Marie Saldanha

15 years since

In our regular column, we take a look at the impact of Maxinquaye by Tricky