Joe Shapiro

Cameron’s on the case

The Tories are talking about a "new politics". Let's not count our chickens...

Sit down and shut up: the end is not nigh

"The political system itself is under attack...parliament has failed, the government is paralysed...many MPs feel as if the establishment itself is crumbling." All this from...

Communism Reloaded

Joe Shapiro meets Robert Griffths, General Secretary of the British Communist Party

Why rights campaigners have got it all wrong

The latest from Cherwell's new blog on UK politics

Interview: John Redwood

Joe Shapiro has a rather difficult conversation with the Conservative politician and Magdalen graduate

Protecting the weak

Baroness Cumberlege talks to Joe Shapiro about her attempts to reform the Catholic Church

Cash for Legislation

Politics Professor Christopher Hood talks us through the shady Westminster dealings

Brown’s Moral Imperative

Brown walks away as the Congo destroys itself