Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Josephine Rabinowitz

Kensal Rise library campaigners exceed fundraising target

The campaigners have received pledges of £80,476, more than £10,000 over their target, which they hope will convince All Souls' College to keep the library open.

Wadham SU in budget scare

Wadham's Student Union has been found to only have £1200 left in its accounts at the beginning of term

Students demand more contact time with tutors

The National Union of Students calls for more face-to-face time with tutors in seminars and tutorials

East End Classics Centre to launch

Oxford and Birkbeck help found Classics Centre in Hackney for local students

Oxbridge ‘toff’ image persists says Cambridge professor

Master of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge hits out at image created by media and politicians as Oxford University also stresses the importance of access

Tudor name is misnomer claims don

Dr Cliff Davies says new research reveals that 'Tudor' name may be inaccurate for the period

‘Smart drugs’ on offer to students

Academic drugs are readily available to students in Oxford, a Cherwell survey shows

Oxford examines the yeti

Researchers at Oxford are leading a project to analyse the possible existence of the yeti and other supposedly mythical species

Drag Race comes to Oxford

Oxford Pride's annual Drag Race takes place this weekend to raise awareness of LGBT issues in the cit.

Christ Church statue dressed in Chelsea colours

Students festoon Mercury statue in Christ Church's Tom Quad with Chelsea flag after the London team won their Champion's League semi-final

Hosepipe ban threatens Oxford’s lawns

The ban on hosepipes may affect college lawns and quads over the summer, but staff are prepared

OUP construction plans anger residents

Scheme, including demolition of part of listed building, causes consternation among residents' groups in Jericho

Cambridge student banned for poem protest

Disbelief as student rusticated for 'impeding free speech' of David Willetts MP

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