Monday, March 10, 2025

Josephine Sarchet

Review: A Row of Parked Cars

Josephine Sarchet is engaged by this revival of Matthew Parvin's two-man play about suicide and psychotherapy

Painting the moment

Cherwell meets painter Clova Stuart-Hamilton to discuss Oxford Art Weeks, painting Calpol, and ‘in the moment-ness’

Review: The Man with a Flower in his Mouth

Wake up and smell the coffee: Josephine Sarchet discovers that Metta Theatre’s Pirandello performance in a café is more than just a gimmick

Cherwell Abroad: Paris

Cherwell visits the Musée d'Orsay on Paris' Left Bank

Back in Black?

Jo Sarchet reflects on minimalism and modernity in Yohji Yamamoto\'s first major solo show in the UK

Murder, they wrote

Are real murder cases fair game for the film and television industry?

‘And the loser is…’

Cherwell looks at the best films to have not won a Best Picture Academy Award

The awards season hits oxford

A look at the upcoming Oxford Film Festival and the "Ox-scars"

‘I’d like to thank my hamster’

Cherwell takes a quick look at the Oscar nominations

Life is a Cabaret

Cherwell celebrates the cheesy power of musicals

Review: Black Swan

Cherwell is underwhelmed by Darren Aronofsky's latest effort.

Review: The King’s Speech

This brilliant British film will put Firth in line to the Oscar throne.

‘Don’t call me Shirley!’

A tribute to Leslie Nielsen and the spoof film

Review: Mansfield Open Mic Night

Josephine Sarchet heads with an open mind to Mansfield's open mic

C’est tres amusant, no?

Josephine Sarchet goes against popular belief and explains how French films can be funny

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