Friday, March 14, 2025

Katya Ferrier

A ‘Nectarine’-ly sweet end to the term!

"To be frank, this Hilary, whilst sweet at certain corners, has left me feeling a little emotionally bruised and in some aspects, a bit rotten."

Sunny Side Up!

This week saw me, along with all the other hordes of students in second year, cross the halfway mark of my degree. Maybe it’s...

Rocky (Road) Comms?

I like to consider myself a rocky road aficionado. There is a beautiful alchemy in mixing the various standard ingredients with a few wild...

1st week: Is there mushroom for failure?

Like many returning students, I have spent the past week either bitterly cold (apologies to those who gave me concerned looks on the high...

0th Week: ‘Dough(nut) trust strangers!

Thursday evening. Eighth week. My head has finally stopped spinning after a tumultuous Park End (I think). A crinkled pastry bag is tucked under...

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