Liz Bennett

OUSU Gaza motion fails

After a four and half hours of debate, OUSU council has voted to abandon its controversial motion on the Israel conflict

OUSU careers handbook criticised

The careers handbook has come under fire for putting style over substance

Rooms deluged in flood chaos

Property was wrecked and finalists were forced to move out at Wadham following flooding.

Oxford city centre to be transformed

Oxford City Council has unveiled radical plans to transform the city centre, making it more pedestrian-friendly.

New Bodleian makeover stalled

Bodleian staff have admitted that the redevelopment of the New Bodleian is on hold indefinitely.

Negligent landlords fined £15,000

Landlords of a student house have been asked to shell out over £15,000 in fines for breaching housing regulations

Lehman collapse stifles Varsity sponsorship

The annual Oxford-Cambridge rugby Varsity match has lost its sponsor - Lehman Brothers.

Trashed students barred from pubs

KA extends ban to all students in gowns.

Mel Broughton trial postponed

The trial of well-known animal rights activist Mel Broughton has been postponed until Thursday 12 June.   Broughton, who was a founding member of the...

Wadham burglar sentenced

Burglar had 29 previous convictions and had burgled colleges before.

OUSU council to vet motions

Former RO says changes will not block the influence of ‘hacks’.

Don criticises over-examination

Jesus fellow questions ‘narrow, instrumental approach’ to education

Speak founder Broughton to stand trial

Trial of leading animal rights activist to begin in June

New Univ Master criticises Bod

Sir Ivor Crewe attacks "combination of closed access... and very slow fetching times" in library.

iFest draws political protesters

Israeli festival sparks disagreement

Students left out in cold

'Boiler crisis' at St Annes continues.

Omkar triggers Union poll

Two terms after Krishna Omkar was disqualified from Union elections, the ex-Treasurer is still trying to change the rules that ban him from running.

Keble socialist coup fails

Motion to rename college ‘The Socialist College of Keble’ falls flat at JCR meeting.

Scouts “struggling” on wages

A student-run initiative is pushing for pay of at least £7 per hour for all College workers.

Remote-controlled love song

An Oxford scientist, Professor Gero Miesenböck, has made female flies produce the male courtship song using remote brain control.   The brain control techniques, which Miesenböck pioneered 3 years ago, use a laser to trigger certain actions. The ‘song’, which flies make by vibrating a wing, is never produced by females, so the findings indicate an astonishing similarity in male and female fly brains.   “Anatomically, the differences are so subtle,” Miesenböck told the Telegraph, “How is it that the neural equipment is so similar, but the sexes behave so differently?”   Researchers suggest that fly brains may have a ‘master switch’ that determines male or female behaviour.