Madelina Gordon

Abolish the high table

There’s something that makes the high table feel a bit off. Maybe it’s because the hierarchy of academia it represents hits a bit too close to home. A bit too close to the bitter sentiment in British society towards class domination.

Baroness Janet Royall: “We’ve got to always search for new ways of bringing people in and for breaking down those perceptions of elitism”

Baroness Jan Royall is a British Labour Party politician and currently, the Principal of Somerville College. She has been an MP, a member of...

Guess who’s coming to dinner? Politics.

A guide to surviving family politics one relative at a time.

Going out without flunking out: How to write your essay when the room’s still spinning

We’ve all been there. The perfect opportunity for a night out, potentially foiled by the un-attempted essay due tomorrow at 4pm. An age-old Oxford conundrum.

Underconsumption-core: Are students the perfect subculture to reclaim underconsumption?

Living at university – with lives bundled completely and entirely into 4-by-4-metre rooms – requires prioritising the necessary.

Oxford University and the guise of climate consciousness

Oxford University and climate action. Opinions on Oxford’s relationship with such action differ profusely across student activist groups, the University administration and climate-focused academics....

Oxford: A tale of two cities

"There are 2 worlds at knuckleheads, grappling over Oxford’s identity."