Matt Roberts

The illusion of choice in the land of the free

Matt Roberts contemplates the variety (or lack thereof) of eateries at Dartmouth College

The enduring value of Diamond Dogs

Matt Roberts crawls through the outpourings of Bowie praise to look at a long-forgotten album

Review: The Skriker

Matt Roberts is seriously creeped out by this baby stealing, terror inducing Pilch show

Preview: The Nether

Matt Roberts grapples with the ethics of child abuse and virtual realities ahead of this astonishing Playhouse production

Spotlight: the Edinburgh Fringe

The first thing that strikes you when you get off the train is Edinburgh as a city; this bizarrely layered and ancient city of...

A fresher’s guide to Oxford Drama

Matt Roberts demystifies the daunting prospect that is the uni theatre scene

Preview: Canon Warriors

Matt Roberts looks forward to hand puppets and feminism at the fringe

Review: OUDS Tour – A Midsummer Night’s Dream

The OUDS international tour's first performance takes Matt Roberts to a world of brummy fairies

The utter pointlessness of being alive

Matt Roberts considers the mindless inevitability of his life in love, religion and personal worth

Preview: Rent

Matt Roberts is wowed by the scale and passion of this production

Review: The Changing of the Guard

Matt Roberts wishes this production had been given a little more space to breathe