Monday, March 10, 2025

Nick Coxon

Rahm is right

The media's obsession with personality clashes in the West Wing does not change this essential truth: Obama needs his Chief of Staff now more than ever

"I do not love Congress"

He is tipped as a rising star, and nearly became Barack Obama's Vice Presidential pick. So why has Evan Bayh decided to retire from the Senate?

Palin’s Tea Party

Sarah Palin is badly advised. Her growing alignment with the Tea Party movement is bad for her, for the Republicans, and for efficient national government.

Getting stuck in

Quite by mistake, the White House may have just found a new winning strategy

Year One

Governing has proved harder than campaigning: the President is in danger of losing the public.

Flight 253

The administration's response to the incident on Christmas Day has been refreshingly calm and measured

Afghanistan. Strategically, the jury’s out.

President Obama's new policy looks politically inexpedient.

Obama in Cairo

A first read on his speech "to the Muslim world”

Why Sonia Sotomayer was a strong pick

Choosing a highly-experienced Hispanic woman with a compelling personal story was virtuoso politics.

Healthcare, the Olympics, and the Obama Legacy

What happens these next few months could well shape how Obama is remembered.

Why the GOP is on a bridge to nowhere

The Republican Party is lost, scurrying in the wrong direction. It must change itself.

Presidential Power

Obama was right to assert his authority. He had a simple message for Detroit: change, or I will let you die.

The Exploitation of Legitimate Disquiet

A longer post, since this is the vac: It is wrong for AIG, given its situation, to be paying out such large bonuses. But stoking the fires of popular dissatisfaction has served only to distract us from the bigger questions.

A new approach to dealing with fringe critics, and a must-read

The old wisdom -- don't give your more extreme critics the oxygen of publicity -- has been dispensed with in this White House.

Senator Judd Gregg

Why Judd Gregg is in the wrong and has lost all credibility.

Unpaid Taxes and the President on TV

The President has lost a valuable leader in Tom Daschle. Now he must sell the stimulus to the masses.

A Madman, and A Nod to the Old School

Blagojevich unhinged, and a nugget from this new era of bipartisanship.

A Speech, Some History

It was tough and unpretentious; he didn’t hold back. And that meant it was brave.

What the Inaugural Address must be

A slightly longer piece, this -- a one-off. Obama will be inaugurated next week. What must he say?


The 44th President's first order of business will be a large stimulus package.

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