Nicky Henderson

OUSU in funding crisis

OUSU has made a loss of £41,000, putting the student union at risk of a disasterous financial shortfall.

Cyclists face fines and felony

Cyclists have seen both a rise in both bike thefts and fines from police.

University tightens discipline rules

New and tougher disciplinary rules on drugs and property damage are being considered by Oxford's Congregation.

Christ Church JCR President to be baptised

Christ Church JCR has voted in favour of a proposition to "baptise" new JCR Presidents.

Oxford MP’s criticised over expenses

MP Adam Smith criticised for expenses.

"Unacceptable" hygiene threatens college halls

Over 134 breaches of hygiene regulations were made in Oxford colleges.

OUSU finances in crisis after new plans abandoned

A plan to provide for OUSU's financial future has been voted down, leaving the Student Union's future uncertain.

Report shows Oxford is still a man’s world

An OUSU women's report has revealed that men continue to dominate academia and student politics in Oxford.

String maze goes up at Magdalen

Students at Magdalen have created a string maze on the college grounds.

£11,000 for an Oxford education?

Vice-chancellor John Hood has denied allegations that university fees will rise to £11,000.

Balliol shell-shocked after tortoise’s death

Balliol has been devastated by the demise of Matilda, their college tortoise.

Ex-Oxford chemist jailed for child sex offences

A former Oxford scientist has been sentenced after pleading guilty to 31 charges of molestation and child porn

Man jailed after Bodleian bomb hoax

A man has been jailed for 8 months for pretending to have planted a bomb in the Bodleian Library.

Parliamentary visit raises student hackles

Students have accused a parliamentary select committee of misunderstanding Oxford's admissions process

Swindon site to house Bod’s books

The Bodleian Library has bought a site in Swindon to store up to 8 million low-use books

Ex-Oxford paedophile jailed

A former Oxford scientist has been convicted of sexual assault and the possession of a library of child pornography.