Thursday, March 13, 2025

Ralph Whitworth

Long Day’s Journey Into Night review

I walked into the Wyndham Theatre’s production of Long Day’s Journey Into Night by Eugene O’Neill half-expecting a night at the London Theatre like...

The Oxford Revue: A Room with Revue

'a simple and clever production which ranks as one of the most enjoyable shows I've seen all year'

Daddy Longlegs: a Big Step Up for Student Production

"Daddy Longlegs went above and beyond the standard I’ve come to expect of student productions in my time at Oxford."

Gawain and the Green Knight – Review

"Gawain and the Green Knight was a play I was eager to see."

“Riotously Funny and Highly Enjoyable”: Blackadder Review

"It came as a pleasant surprise, therefore, that I found the production riotously funny and highly enjoyable."

“Highly enjoyable”: An Enemy of the People Review

Henrik Ibsen wrote to the publisher of his 1882 play ‘An Enemy of the People’ that ‘I am still uncertain whether I should call...

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