Raphael Zyss

Sunday Boat Ride Funk

It’s Sunday church day. The Church’s on the water, no way to get there. Funky Sundays.

In Conversation with Ken Loach

CW: Racism, antisemitism Kes (1968) – Miner’s Working Men’s Club. Rhythmic close shots of faces, the pub is filled with big smiles and small chat. The...

Picasso at the RA and the experience of solitude

The curved, sick, and boney fingers are everywhere. The Frugal Meal (1904), one of Picasso’s early paper engravings, is immediately striking.

Review: Facial Recognition

In “Facial Recognition”, the main organiser, Lucy Tirahan’s ambition is clear: to break the unspoken taboos surrounding mixed-ethnic heritage. The exhibition is extremely successful. It avoids romanticizing while...