Friday, March 14, 2025

Rebecca Wright

Beer before wine, a scientifically-sound rhyme?

Or is whisky less risky? Raise a glass to evidence-based drinking

Head case

Cycle helmets: could human nature outweigh their cranial cushioning?

Merton’s new ‘Countdown kid’

Merton College is to welcome a minor celebrity this term when Countdown octochamp Jeffrey Burgin joins its ranks.

Applications to Oxford up by 12.5%

Oxford University has once again seen a rise in the number of applicants for its courses.

Vegetarians less likely to suffer from cancer

Vegetarians are 12% less likely to develop cancer than meat eaters, according to research carried out at Oxford University.

University ups swine flu alert to red

Oxford University has upped its swine flu alert status to the red 3 phase, as second student at Oxford falls ill.

80-year-old infiltrates gardens

An 80-year-old banned for life from Oxford Botanic Garden defied officials by sneaking into the gardens in disguise.

Humanities at risk

Humanities division is facing wide funding cuts despite an improvement in the quality of its research.

Man stabbed to death in Cowley

A man was stabbed to death on Cowley Road at 11.50am on Monday

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