Oxford's oldest student newspaper

Independent since 1920

Rolf Merchant

LiveFridays at the Ashmolean

New to the Ashmolean museum this year are the highly anticipated Live Friday events. Rolf Merchant went to see how the very first, 'An Evening With the Gods', unfolded

Cherwell Sport – Rugby – New College v Worcester 12/01/2013

Worcester travel to New's grounds for the first meeting of Hilary 2013. Both teams were looking to grab some points for a boost to their top league chances.

Report: OUSU Elections

With the OUSU Elections now upon us, Rolf Merchant followed two Worcester candidates around their college to discover more about the issues at the heart of these elections.

Report – Oxtoberfest @ The Duke’s Cut

Cherwell takes a Friday night jaunt to the Duke's Cut to sample the sweet nectar at the Beer festival.

A View From The Bridge – Trinity Week IV

It's another cold, dank and wet night outside The Bridge, but the punters have plenty of opinions to share on the pressing issues of today. This week we discuss punctuation, the relative merits of teeth and butter, and red chinos.

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