Oxford's oldest student newspaper

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Sebastian Hall

War, Peace and Writing

Throughout history, art has left an indelible cultural impact on humanity’s collective understanding of war. Picasso’s ‘Guernica’ is perhaps the most famous manifestation of...

2024: The year of elections

In his classic 19th-century work Democracy in America, the politician-cum-philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville looked to the democratic system in America with deep envy. In...

Greg Heffley: A Hero of Our Time

Few modern comic heroes align with our distinctive age – an age which Dickens’s famous opening, ‘It was the best of times, it was...

Celebrity, rhetoric, and the Oxford Union

I’d be surprised if Dominic Cummings was the star appearance from the Oxford Union you were expecting this term. Because, from where I’m standing,...

What Trump tells us about modern American evangelicalism

The infamous image of Donald Trump standing, with a Bible, in front of St John’s Episcopal Church in Washington DC in June 2020, was...